We are water and water is life. It surrounds us and sustains us. Our planet, ourselves, are composed of and yet require water. Living as we do on the coast, our daily navigations traverse an epic meeting of land and ocean. Our coastal strip is further riven by other bodies of water.. rivers opening to the ocean, lagoons commingling fresh and sea water and changing with the tides. With the addition of water, delivered via rain, our landscapes are transformed. Water is a recurrent theme in our artistic lives, spending weeks each year underwater, communing with flashing schools of fish, sharks and colorful denizens of down under, adapting our lives to the ocean’s special rhythm. We have kayaked to remote areas, hiked to thundering waterfalls…wherever we are, we are drawn to water. A small selection of some favorite images explores the many guises of water:
The coast:
The power of water:
It thunders (waterfalls):
In gaseous forms:
Water as a barrier:
An underground river system:
Even after effects of water are an interesting line of inquiry (rust, slot canyons, erosion, etc):
“flatworm on a tunicate”! wow! that pic is a grabber for me. kept going back to it. stunning darkness bordered in blue on that worm. very cool propulsion method. ripples, baby. makes me want to float in the Atlantic. thanks Marie.